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Primary School Information
Discover more about our Primary School by downloading our Information Booklet.
Primary School Information Booklet
2025 OPEN DAY Thursday 3rd April (9.15am - 11.00am)
Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him
Psalm 127:3
Our Primary School is a welcoming learning environment where every student can have a joyful introduction to school.
We want to help your child discover their gifts, and that’s why we offer a range of subjects and differentiate teaching approaches to support your child’s learning.
Our experienced teaching and support staff are dedicated to developing your child’s confidence and curiosity from core subjects, such as English and Mathematics, to specialist subjects, such as Art, Digital technologies and Drama.
Our encouraging and challenging learning program will cater to your child’s specific learning abilities, emphasising positive learning habits and thinking skills. We also incorporate the values of resilience, reasoning and reflection in our curriculum.
In these early years, we also offer a safe environment where students can grow in their awareness of who they are in God, and the abilities and gifts they have been given.
Families are integral partners with us in their child’s education, and we hold community events throughout the year to encourage close involvement with students’ development.
You can discover more about our Primary School by downloading our Primary School Information Booklet below.
Discover more about our Primary School by downloading our Information Booklet.
Primary School Information Booklet