st andrews Christian college

wantirna south, melbourne


Like your child’s education, your child’s wellbeing involves their whole self – including physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. That means that wellbeing is a matter for all St Andrews staff.

We are proactive in our approach to wellbeing, driven by our dedicated Wellbeing team that consists of Primary and Secondary representatives, the Chaplain and the Student Safety Officer. Our team is continuously working to ensure our approach is up-to-date, aligned with government regulations and supporting our students.

Every staff member at St Andrews is skilled in wellbeing principles to support your child as they develop and when they face challenges. Students also have access to care and support from a range of places, including:

  • Classroom teachers (Primary students) or homeroom teachers (Secondary students)
  • Head of Wellbeing
  • Youth Worker
  • Our Chaplain, an ordained Christian pastor who is available to all members of the College community
  • Counsellors
  • Our check-in app.

We see every relationship and interaction across the College as an opportunity to promote positive relationships. Wellbeing, then, is not just taught, but provides a fundamental aspect of everyday College life.

Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2