st andrews Christian college

wantirna south, melbourne

2023 VCE Results

Congratulations to the Class of 2023 for their outstanding results. Their academic achievements are a testament to their hard work, resilience and perseverance throughout the school year.

Additional congratulations goes to our College Dux Yilin Li who received an ATAR of 97.45

At St Andrews Christian College, we know that an ATAR result does not define a student—our students have been prepared for life in the service of God’s Kingdom far beyond the tests, examinations and results of school. They are an outstanding group of young men and women. Their strength of character, caring hearts and faith have been a wonderful testimony to us all.

Our College motto is ‘Glory to God’ and we acknowledge and honour God for His grace, guidance and comfort given to our students, staff and parents throughout
this year.

Well done Class of 2023. May God richly
bless and direct you in your life journey.

In Christ,
Nick Haines

For a more in-depth break-down of our VCE results click the link below.

2023 VCE Results