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Board News - August 2024

The Olympics have been in our minds recently, and tonight we opened with Hebrews 12:1.

Here is a reminder that Christians are in a marathon, we're in for the long haul. For the Board, it is a good reminder that we are not focused on a short period of time, but keeping the long distance view in mind. Board members have done this in the past, and we trust we will continue to do so. Christ Jesus will lead us to the finish line.

In the notes from last month, we made you aware of a letter that would be coming to you. The government has said they are delaying this legislation before the next election. We see this as a positive outcome and urge us all to continue praying for our political leaders.

Tonight we were delighted to have Lisa Wilks-Beasy attending in place of Principal Nick Haines. In her report we heard about the excellent NAPLAN results from students at St Andrews. We congratulate the students and teachers who have worked to make this happen.

Rachel Bird has informed the Board that she will be leaving the Board at the end of 2024. We are thankful for her time and commitment in recent years and pray for her and her family in the years ahead.

Tonight the Board reviewed and approved Board Policy for Delegation and the Delegation Matrix. This will be reviewed again in August 2026.