St Andrews Christian College Board Notes – February 2024
Our first meeting of the year began with a reading of the story some know as ‘the parable of the talents’ or as ‘parable of the bags of gold’. Matthew 25:14-30
We at St Andrews have been given much. How are we using what we have been given? And what fruit is being seen? And how are we using the abilities that we have? And are we able to put what we have to use, or would we play ‘safe’ and bury it? We are what we are because others in past years have used what they have been given. What a blessing they have given us. We hope that this current generation will leave a blessing for the next generations.
Board members will be doing more training on Child Safety later this month. We appreciate the need to keep up to date on this issue.
We thank God for the new staff who have joined us at St Andrews. The Board looks forward to meeting them properly when we share a dinner together before our March meeting. We also welcome new students and their families to our community. We pray you will be blessed by being part of the college.
We are pleased that parents are coming into the school to get a copy of the strategic plan, and we encourage everyone to do so. This will not only help you to know what is happening, but also guide you in how to pray and possibly how you can support the outworking of this plan.
There have been some changes in traffic management at drop off and pick up time. Thank you all for your patience and readiness to make this change as smooth as possible.
Congratulations to the 2023 VCE students. We are encouraged to see how well they did in their studies and we pray God will bless and guide them as they move into university.
Tonight we reviewed and approved the Board Policy for Committees and affirmed membership of committees. This policy will be reviewed again in 2026.
Thank you for your ongoing prayer for the college, the board, the staff and the students.