st andrews Christian college

wantirna south, melbourne

2025 OPEN DAY Thursday 3rd April (9.15am - 11.00am)

See Details

Board News - July 2024 

Our devotion tonight was brought to us by Sue, one of our board members. It might be hard to explain all that we heard tonight, but we have been reminded that in Christ Jesus we have freedom and with this freedom comes some responsibility. Indeed, within the parameters of these boundaries we find real freedom. A bit like Jazz.

The Board wants the community to be aware of a letter that will be coming to you soon. This letter comes from the Board to inform you of a potential change in federal law which will have a significant impact on the College. Please look out for this letter and be ready to read and respond.

In a desire to continue our diligence, the Board are planning a review and evaluation. This will add to our commitment to doing some professional development each year.

We ask you to join us in praying for some staff members who are dealing with various health issues.

The following policies were reviewed and approved for another 2 years to July 2026:

  • College Visitors Policy
  • Parents and Volunteers – Complaints Management Policy

Thank you for your continued support and prayer for the Board and the Leadership Team of St Andrews Christian College.