st andrews Christian college

wantirna south, melbourne

Board News - May 2024

The evening began with the Annual General Meeting. We thank those who invested their time in attending tonight. At this meeting, Darren Waterworth - Business Manager - presented the annual finance report for 2023. The college community should be pleased for the work of Darren and his team in their careful stewardship of the funds under their care.

The audited report was accepted, and Saward Dawson appointed as auditors for 2024.

This meeting also had the task of choosing a person nominated by the parent community to join the board. There is only one position available, and we have the unusual experience of having four people standing for this position. Each candidate spoke briefly before voting took place.

We congratulate Walter Gear on being chosen tonight*

Vice-Chair Peter Lewis presented a Chairman’s Report reminding us that a school report must resist the danger of just looking at numbers, though the St Andrews numbers as an indication of health are very positive.

Principal Nick Haines in his report noted the support of the deputy principals Michael Swanborough and Lisa Wilks-Beasy, Business Manager Darren Waterworth, and of the Board. Nick also spoke about the future direction of the College and the outworking of the strategic plan to 2040.

The Board met for a normal meeting after the AGM. Our devotion pointed us to Proverbs, noting that the habits outlined in this book reveal a life that is worth living and the value of this life is seen in the long-term. As a Board we know that the decisions we make now will have a long-term impact.

The following policies were reviewed and approved to be further reviewed in 2026

  • Board Policy for Confidentiality
  • Working-with-Children-Check-Policy (College Policy)
  • Leadership / Democratic Statement

These policies can be found at Leadership - St Andrews Christian College (scroll down towards the bottom of the page).

Please continue to support the College in your prayers and your involvement.

*The successful candidate will be interviewed by the relevant committee of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria before being finally approved.