st andrews Christian college

wantirna south, melbourne

2025 OPEN DAY Thursday 3rd April (9.15am - 11.00am)

See Details

Board News - September 2024

Tonight we opened with a discussion on rest and work, how we can live in a busy age. Did you know there was a time when adults slept for an average of 11 hours a night!Hurry and rushing will eventually squeeze God out of our life - If the devil can’t destroy us, he will make us busy. How different to the words of Jesus, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give rest . . . rest for your souls”

The Board has undertaken a self-appraisal to improve our effectiveness. In recent years we have been working with Ian Doyle from Effective Governance. Tonight Ian joined us online to discuss the results of a survey we have undertaken. This has shown many areas of governance we are doing well and, helpfully, highlighted areas that need some attention. We are grateful for Ian’s help and wisdom and we will be attending to these areas promptly.

We have been formally informed that Greg Crotty will retire from St Andrews at the end of the school year. The Board not only acknowledges the length of service that Greg has given the college, we will also seek to find a way to celebrate his care for students and the college. Greg, we pray you will continue to know God’s blessing in all things.

We have needed to defer our usual review and approval of policies this month due to some lengthy discussion. This will happen next month.

The Board has elected Peter Lewis and Sharon Rowland to continue in their roles as Vice-Chair and Secretary respectively.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support for the Board and for the staff at St Andrews.