st andrews Christian college

wantirna south, melbourne

2025 OPEN DAY Thursday 3rd April (9.15am - 11.00am)

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CSEN Masterminds Competition

Congratulations to the Secondary School “Masterminds Team” who won First Place in the recent CSEN Masterminds competition.

The competition involves students answering questions in an area of specialty selected from: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences. They also combine for a General Knowledge quiz.

After a slow start, the team found their rhythm and by lunchtime had caught up to the other teams and scores were fairly even. The afternoon session, culminating in an all-in (teachers included) general knowledge session brought our team home by 3 points!

Congratulations to the team: Angela, Deanna, Eden, Zara, Mark, Chris, Jamie and Caitlyn. Special mention to the student voted MVP: Jamie - due to his amazing spread of knowledge and rapid recall of facts.

Special thanks to Mrs Terrington and Mrs Valentine who supported the team on the day.

Girls in STEM Invitational Day

Congratulations to Bellissa, Deanna, Amber and Hannah who have been selected to represent St Andrews Christian College at the Strathcona STEM for Girls Invitational Day during the upcoming school holidays.

This activity, supported by Texas Instruments is a wonderful opportunity for our students to meet with students from other Colleges and participate in a range of hands-on challenges using tools such as: Python as a coding language with TI Rover, Innovator Hub, Microbits, Drones and Turtle.

Special thanks to Mrs Wilks-Beasy who will be accompanying the team on the day.

3D Printers

We are pleased to be able to report that the 3D Print Room in the new building has been equipped with 5 new 3D printers. 

Secondary School students undertaking the Year 8 STEM: Product Design and 3D Printing and Year 9 STEM: Electronics and 3D Printing electives have been excited to learn more about the possibilities and applications of this technology and the capacity of the new printers as they complete their projects.

Michael Swanborough
Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

Sustainability Leaders' Update

Earlier this term, the Sustainability team promoted the Container Deposit Scheme by creating a collection bin for the school. The money raised will go to the Knox Environmental Society.

Maria Wheelton & The Sustainability Team
Sustainability Coordinator