st andrews Christian college

wantirna south, melbourne

Head of Primary School: Mid-Term 2 Reflection

Term 2 has started smoothly and promises to be filled with many new and interesting learning opportunities for students across Primary.

In Week 1 Student Leaders enjoyed an excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance to commemorate ANZAC day. Following on from this, our student leaders took part in our ANZAC Assembly laying a wreath created by students in the junior primary. It has been exciting to see student leaders having a visible presence as a Playground Buddies during lunch times. If you were at the recent Open Day, you would have also seen our leaders’ taking tours and sharing their St Andrews experience with visitors.

Schools are always such vibrant places with every year level running a host of enriching learning experiences. If you haven’t heard, we have started Friendship Place in the Primary. This runs several times a week and is an opportunity for students to connect, do a craft and develop their friendships! Another lunch time club that has started, aimed at older students, is VEX IQ. This is a robotics club for students to develop designing, programming, and operating skills. Our hope is to connect with other schools in some competitions later this year.

Most recently Year 1s enjoyed a trip to the Zoo, Year 3 visited the city and the IMAX, Year 4 expanded their knowledge of the early settlers with a History Box incursion, Year 5 developed writing skills with an author visit and Year 6 engaged in their first session on puberty with Brett Ryan. Additionally, students across primary have participated in several Mission Service Learning (MSL) activities including our annual Coin Trail which raised $594.00! These funds will go to the 2025 Cambodia Mission Trip. We are also excited to be supporting initiative run by Barnabas Aid in the coming weeks. Please consider how you might like to give to this worthwhile cause.

Finally, we are grateful with parent engagement with our newly released feedback pieces at the end of Term 1. We hope these have been helpful informing you of your child’s progress and the next learning steps we are focussing on in class. We are excited to be sharing further feedback with you via the hub later this term.

As I reflect on Term 2s activities so far, I am reminded of all the things we can be grateful for. Please keep the staff and students in your prayers as we seek to glorify God in all that we do.


Janita Bratton
Head of Primary School